The Gap Chess Club Incorporated

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting


Date: 1 December, 2006

Place: Room B6, The Gap State High School


The meeting commenced at 8:00pm.



Andrew Robinson, Brian Willcock, Phil Kirkman, Cameron De Vere, Shane Martin, Marty Chadwick, John Curran, Ellis Markson, Garvin Gray, Brian Thomas, Greg Colwell, Stuart Wilson, Tony Howes, Ray Adams, Tom Szekely, Debbie Jenkins, Mark Taylor



Tim Johnson, Gordon Berg, Natalie Gunn


Previous Minutes

Minutes of the previous annual general meeting were read and accepted.

Proposed: Phil Kirkman. Seconded: Shane Martin. Accepted with no objections.



It was agreed that all present at the meeting were current financial members of the club and therefore eligible to vote on matters at this AGM.


Management committee reports


President's report

Andrew Robinson gave a verbal summary and presented the attached President’s report. He particularly focused on his comments about Stuart Wilson's contribution to the club.

Proposed: Brian Thomas. Seconded: Ray Adams. Accepted.


Secretary's report

Andrew Robinson gave a verbal summary and presented the attached Secretary’s report.

Proposed: Tony Howes. Seconded: Brian Willcock. Accepted.


Treasurer's report

Mark Taylor gave a verbal summary and presented the attached Treasurer’s report. Audited financial statements were also presented.

Proposed: Phil Kirkman. Seconded: Brian Willcock. Accepted


Phil Kirkman suggested that the club investigate the possibility of depositing club funds into a high interest online account.

Tony Howes requested that the club investigate the use of internet transfer to pay member fees.


DOP's Report

Andrew Robinson, gave verbal summary and presented the attached DOP’s Report. Andrew commented in particular on the increased number of participants in tournaments.

Proposed: Ray Adams. Seconded: Marty Chadwick. Accepted.


Equipment Report

Andrew Robinson, gave verbal summary and presented the attached Equipment Officer’s report.

Proposed: Ray Adams. Seconded: Ellis Markson. Accepted


Publicity Officer

Andrew Robinson thanked Marty Chadwick for preparing and submitting the columns for the Western Echo local newspaper and for updating games on the website. The attached Publicity Officer’s Report summarises the activities that publicised the club in 2006.

Proposed: Tony Howes. Seconded: Brian Willcock. Accepted


Election of office bearers for 2007

All positions were declared vacant and the following office bearers were elected.


President: Andrew Robinson

(nominated Ray Adams, seconded Debbie Jenkins). Carried.


Vice-President: Debbie Jenkins

(nominated Andrew Robinson seconded Phil Kirkman). Carried.


Secretary: Mark Taylor

(nominated Andrew Robinson seconded Ray Adams). Carried.


Treasurer: Mark Taylor

(nominated Garvin Gray seconded Phil Kirkman). Carried.


Tournament Director / Arbiter: Andrew Robinson

(nominated Phil Kirkman seconded Brian Willcock). Carried.


Public Relations Officer: Tony Howes

(nominated Andrew Robinson seconded Ray Adams). Carried.


Equipment Officers: Cameron De Vere and John Curran

(John was nominated by Shane Martin and seconded by Debbie Jenkins)

(Cameron was nominated by Ellis Markson and seconded by Ray Adams)


Cameron undertook to do a proper job and make sure it is done well. John said he would do everything Cameron said. The proposal to make them joint equipment officers was carried.


CAQ Delegate: Brian Thomas

(nominated Garvin Gray, seconded Ray Adams). Carried.


Appointment of Auditor

At this time Beth Abbott has given no indication she will not be willing to continue. Therefore she was nominated to continue to act in the role of honorary auditor.

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded Phil Kirkman). Carried.


General Business


Cameron proposed that Motion 5 be heard first. Seconded by Marty. Accepted.


Motion 5 (Proposed by Garvin Gray)

"That The Gap Chess Club tenders to run the 2007 City of Brisbane tournament, with Garvin Gray as main organiser."

Explanatory note accompanying Motion 5

“It is highly likely that the CAQ council will be looking for clubs to tender to run the 2007 City of Brisbane (COB) tournament. This is generally held in Feb-Mar.

It is probable that Brisbane Chess Club will not tender for it as it has in past years. This motion proposes that Garvin will run the COB on Friday nights at TGCC, on behalf of TGCC. He is willing to do all the work involved in organisation and being arbiter etc.

Possible benefits for TGCC include:

1) More people coming to the club who would not ordinarily play at TGCC, thus giving a chance for more memberships.

2) Increased amount of revenue coming in due to the extra players.

3) Another CAQ classical rated event on TGCC calendar

If the AGM decides to go ahead with running the 2007 COB in February through to March (the traditional dates for the tournament), this will mean that the Flood Cup will have to start after the COB.”


Andrew called for Motion 5 to be seconded from the floor as it had not been seconded prior to the meeting. Motion 5 seconded by Shane.


Andrew invited Garvin to speak to the motion.


Garvin said that the City of Brisbane tournament had been run by the Brisbane Chess Club for a long time (at least the past five years). Brisbane Chess Club have indicated that they do not intend to run it in 2007. Garvin stated that one reason Brisbane Chess Club do not want to run it is because they will lose seven weeks of revenue.


Brian Willcock ask Garvin if the Brisbane chess players would come to The Gap Chess Club (TGCC) and Garvin said he was confident but could not guarantee that it would attract at least 30 to 35 players.


Phil Kirkman asked Garvin about the financial risk this proposal presents to TGCC. Garvin said that it was not essential but it would be good for TGCC to guarantee fees. Garvin said that this would be a decision to be assessed by members at this AGM.


Cameron asked Andrew to speak to the impact on TGCC’s usual timetable of tournaments. Andrew said that losing 7 weeks from the calendar in February and March would put the St David’s Day tournament in jeopardy as it was traditionally scheduled for the closest Friday to the first day of March. The lightning tournament would have to be condensed into the first four weeks of January, and the other tournaments would then start 7 weeks later than normal. This would affect the traditional start time of the Flood Cup, and also put the 45 Minute Tournament at risk of not being played due to lack of time at the end of the year.


Marty then spoke of the draining effect on him as a player of playing two long tournaments in a row (the Flood Cup and the One Hour) and said that he would prefer not having to play three “serious” tournaments in a row.


Shane asked if there was any significant difference between the Flood Cup and the City of Brisbane Tournament. Andrew responded by reminding members that Doug Foster was one of the pillars of TGCC (president 1981-1994) and had been a staunch advocate of amateurism. He said that as the proposed 2007 COB tournament would have prize money it would be against the spirit and tradition of TGCC to run it on regular Friday nights. Andrew stated that the only tournament TGCC had every held that offered prizemoney was The Gap Open, but this was usually held on the Queen’s Birthday weekend and never held on a Friday night. Phil Kirkman spoke for amateurism in chess at TGCC and against prize money for tournaments held at TGCC.


Shane asked if the COB tournament for 2007 could be held on a different night from Friday night. Brian Thomas pointed out that it would not then publicise TGCC. Brian Willcock said a "heavy" tournament was against the spirit of TGCC and that having such a tournament would not publicise TGCC “as it really is”.


Ray Adams spoke in favour of the motion. He stated that he liked the idea of being able to play more high rated players and it was therefore the type of tournament he would like to enter.


Ray asked Garvin if he is in good favour with the CAQ and Garvin said he is.


Tony asked Garvin if he thought the COB tournament would be run in other years at TGCC and Garvin said he thought this would be likely if the tournament is a success in 2007. A successful tournament would be likely to be supported by members at future AGMs of TGCC.


Debbie Jenkins asked Garvin if the dates for the City of Brisbane could be changed to not upset the Flood Cup. Garvin said that one of the strengths of the COB tournament was that it was known by many players to start on the first Thursday in February. It would be sensible to keep as close as possible to that date.


Brian Thomas said that the timing was good. This was because the COB Tournament would run directly before the Flood Cup, so many COB entrants would be likely to continue attending the club and enter the Flood Cup.


Brian Willcock questioned if Brisbane Chess Club members would play when they would have a rival tournament at their own club. He also questioned whether players would want to come to our club when our venue is not a first-class venue.


Marty raised an equipment issue. He said that there would not be enough digital clocks. Garvin said he could supply any number and this was not a problem.


Ellis spoke in favour of the motion and said it would be good to have another serious tournament at the Gap Chess Club.


Phil asked if anyone else would be more willing to run the tournament if for some reason Garvin could not do it. Brian Thomas offered to help promote it and administer it if necessary.


Andrew asked all members if they would indicate who would be interested in playing in the tournament. Five out of the seventeen TGCC members present indicated an interest in playing in the proposed tournament in 2007 if available.


Greg Colwell asked about lower rated members and whether they would have a place in the tournament. Garvin said lower rated players would receive competitive fixtures because a Swiss draw would be used. Andrew made the point that he felt that the prizemoney aspect would mean that the lower rated players subsidise the higher rated players who inevitably walk away with the lion’s share of the prizemoney.


Tony Howes asked about the number of rooms that would be necessary to hold the COB tournament. Garvin said that it would be good to have four rooms. Mark Taylor pointed out that the club actually only rent one room from the school, and it simply a matter of good fortune that the club has access to two other adjoining rooms.


Brian Willcock stated that night fees were not included in the budget that had been presented by Garvin, and Garvin replied that this is because the COB tournament entrants will pay a tournament entry fee and will therefore not be liable to pay TGCC night fees for the nights the tournament in held.


Phil Kirkman said if it would be possible for TGCC to run normally on the nights the tournament is run then his objections would disappear.


Mark Taylor asked Garvin if he would take on the financial risk of staging the tournament, such that if the tournament ran at a loss then his fee would accordingly be reduced. Garvin did not answer this question. Brian Thomas said the $250 was not a lot of money for Garvin to be paid for organising the tournament.


Ray Adams said the Gap Chess club should be prepared to take on a five hundred dollar financial risk if necessary to promote chess.


Phil Kirkman asked Garvin if he would be prepared to not be paid if the COB tournament made a loss. Garvin responded by asking if that also meant his fee would increase if the COB tournament made a profit. Garvin did not answer Phil's initial question.


Brian Willcock asked if Garvin if he could accommodate the St David’s Day tournament. Garvin agreed to a spare Friday night in the COB tournament schedule to accommodate the St David’s Day tournament.


Andrew Robinson asked if anyone wanted to propose amendments. No amendments were proposed.


(Voting: 7 in favour; 7 against)

The motion was not carried.


Motion 1 (Proposed by Brian Willcock; Seconded by Andrew Robinson)

"If a player objects to the scoresheet of their game being published on The Gap Chess Club website, then the scoresheet for that game will not be published."

Explanatory note accompanying Motion 5

This is identical to the resolution passed at the AGM of 3 December 2004. This resolution was revoked by the following resolution that was passed at the AGM of 2 December 2005:


Andrew invited Brian Willcock to speak first. Brian said that publishing score sheets let other players know his openings and deprived him of an advantage.


Phil spoke in favour of the motion and felt he should be entitled to refuse to have scoresheets published and retain ownership. Cameron spoke in favour of the motion but he did say that he liked being able to could look at the games in various tournaments before he became a member.


Mike Taylor said the publishing of game on the website was less likely to happen in a systematic way in future because Marty Chadwick would not be publishing the games.


Andrew Robinson said in the near future it is likely that only important and interesting games will be published.


Andrew called for a vote.


(Voting: 7 in favour; 4 against)

The motion was carried.


Motion 2 (Proposed by Shane Martin; Seconded by Andrew Robinson)

"The club should hold a 60 minute tournament (no time increments) in 2007. This tournament will have the following conditions:


Andrew Robinson said there was a possible problem with the proposed tournament not having an entry fee because the CAQ charges a five dollar per player rating fee.


Ellis suggested there be a $5 fee for the tournament.


Ray Adams asked if the ACF would rate the tournament in the proposed format.


Brian Thomas and Garvin Gray said the ACF would probably asked questions. Garvin suggested a cross table format.


Brian Thomas pointed out that under the proposal the tournament would not be sumitted to the ACF for rating until the end of 2007.


Ray Adams repeatedly proposed a format of three divisions and a cross table format. In reply Andrew repeatedly suggested that this was a level of detail that did not need to be considered at the AGM, however Ray was welcome to put forward his proposal to the management committee for consideration.


Garvin said he had a problem if there were no increments. Ellis supported this view.


Shane said that he was agreeable to the tournament having a time control that included increments. Andrew added that the 60 minute guillotine time control was proposed in response to Shane’s query as to what was the shortest time control for which a game can be rated under the ACF’s classic rating system.


Greg suggested that people should formally enter the tournament, rather than an ad hoc format in which players can enter as they like through the calendar year.


Ray Adams spoke in favour of a Round Robin format.


Andrew said there do seem to be two schools of thought in regards to tournament format. Some favoured structured while other favoured unstructured.


Andrew Robinson called for amendments.


Amendment One (Proposed Cameron De Vere; Seconded Mark Taylor)

“No more than four games to be played between any two players.” be replaced by:

“No more than two games to be played between any two players.”


Amendment Two (Proposed Brian Thomas; Seconded Andrew Robinson)

“The tournament should only run if ACF approval is given in advance.”


Amendment Three (Proposed Cameron De Vere; Seconded Ray Adams)

“No tournament entry fee” be replaced by:

“Tournament entry shall be $5”


Amendment Four (Proposed Cameron De Vere; Seconded Ray Adams)

“Played over the course of the calendar year” be replaced by:

“Played from the end of the One Hour Tournament until the start of the Flood Cup.”


Andrew Robinson asked for votes on the amendments.


Amendments One, Two and Three were carried. Amendment Four was not carried.


Andrew Robinson asked for a vote on amended motion


Amended motion 2 which read as follows:

"The club should hold a 60 minute tournament (no time increments) in 2007. This tournament will have the following conditions:


The amended motion was passed by all members with one abstention.


Motion 3 (Proposed by Shane Martin; Seconded by Andrew Robinson)

"Night fees are to be waived on:


Shane did not wish to speak to the motion, saying it was self explanatory. Andrew said that it had been traditional at the club not to charge night fees on Prize Night. Mark said that he thought not charging night fees on AGM night would act as an incentive for members to attend the AGM.


Brian Willcock proposed a sunset clause of one year. Tony Howes said he was against having a sunset clause as it was not necessary or useful.


Andrew Robinson called for amendments.


Amendment One (Proposed Brian Willcock; Seconded Shane Martin)

"Night fees are to be waived on:” be replaced by:

"Night fees for 2007 are to be waived on:”


The amendment and the amended proposal were passed.


Motion 4 (Proposed by Cameron De Vere; Seconded by Andrew Robinson)

"The Allegro Tournament must be submitted to the ACF to be rapid rated provided there are no fees associated with this process."


Cameron said that it would be good if there were more rated games at TGCC.


Garvin said he hoped TGCC would be happy to pay to have games rated. He suggested it was unlikely that the ACF will continue its policy of allowing free rating of Rapid tournaments.


Andrew Robinson called for amendments.


Amendment One (Proposed Brian Thomas; Seconded Garvin Gray)

"The Allegro Tournament must be submitted to the ACF to be rapid rated provided there are no fees associated with this process.” be replaced by:

"The Allegro Tournament must be submitted to the ACF to be rapid rated”


This amendment was carried.


Shane Martin proposed a sunset clause of one year. Tony Howes said he was against having a sunset clause as it was not necessary or useful.


Amendment Two (Proposed Shane Martin; Seconded Brian WIllcock)

"The Allegro Tournament must be submitted to the ACF to be rapid rated.” be replaced by:

"The Allegro Tournament must be submitted to the ACF to be rapid rated in 2007.”


This amendment was carried.


Andrew Robinson asked for a vote on amended motion. The amended motion was carried.


Ordinary Business


Recognition of Stuart Wilson

Phil proposed that Stuart Wilson be made an Honorary Life Member of TGCC. This proposal was seconded by Mark Taylor.


Note: A life member is entitled to perpetual membership of TGCC and no longer needs to pay memberships fees, nor apply for membership. TGCC night fees and CAQ fees are not generally covered by the award of a life membership.


Andrew Robinson said a few words in support of the motion and said that a lot of his thoughts in regards to Stuart are contained in the President’s report.


Brian Willcock expressed his thanks to Stuart for being a calming influence during his various run-ins with CAQ bureaucracy during the year Brian was CAQ Vice-President.

Note: at the 2007 AGM it was accepted to amend these minutes so the phrase “during the year Brian was CAQ Vice-President” replaced “over several decades” in the sentence above.


Mark Taylor expressed his thanks to Stuart for leaving him with an efficient and regular set of financial and accounting records and systems, which had greatly assisted him in his role as treasurer.


Andrew asked for a vote on the motion and it was passed by all members present except Stuart who abstained.


Andrew proposed a round of applause for Stuart and presented him with a clock as gift from TGCC for everything he has done for the club.


Stuart said he was overwhelmed and all the things he had done for the club over the years had been a pleasure rather than a burden. Stuart went on to say that he was enjoying having a break from chess.


Tournament schedule

Garvin Gray asked if TGCC management committee could consider compressing some tournaments.


Andrew Robinson and Phil Kirkman spoke in favour of the format of week on / week off as suiting many TGCC members.


No motion arose out of these discussions.


Tournament start time

Garvin Gray moved a motion that tournaments start at 7.30 pm. This was seconded by Ellis Markson.


Cameron De Vere spoke against the motion saying that he would find it impossible to get from work to the club in time for a 7:30pm start.


Phil Kirkman moved an amendment to the motion allowing DOP discretion on start times. This amendment was seconded by Cameron De Vere.


Ellis proposed a further amendment that the start time of 7.30pm only apply to the Flood Cup. This amendment was seconded by Mark Taylor.


Both amendments were voted on and carried.


The amended motion read:

“Matches for the Flood Cup should commence at 7:30pm subject to the discretion of the DOP.”


Andrew Robinson asked for a vote on amended motion. The amended motion was defeated.


Swiss Pairing Systems

Garvin spoke in favour of using a Swiss pairing system other than Swiss Perfect. He said that the pairing rules used by Swissperfect are inconsistent with FIDE’s endorsed Swiss pairing rules.


Garvin also said that it was normal for players to have the right to object to pairings and said he would like a committee of three to oversee pairings and objections.


Brian Willcock and Ellis Markson said that they like to have certainty that the original pairings will stand and are not in favour of the possibility of the pairings being changed by protests and a committee.


Shane Martin proposed that the club follows whatever pairing system the ACF use. Garvin said that a variety of pairing systems (including Swissperfect) are used by tournament organisers in Queensland.


Phil Kirkman suggested that discretion in this matter be left to the Management Committee.


Debbie Jenkins spoke in favour of using a pairing program other than Swissperfect because Swissperfect occasionally throws up incorrect pairings.


Andrew Robinson said that this issue had been discussed at length during the year in several emails sent to the membership. It was decided by an informal vote of members that Swissperfect would continue to be used to determine Swiss pairings. When the decision of the members was advised to the membership it was suggested that if anyone wanted change then the issue should be raised as a formal motion at the AGM, so that members would have time to give the motion due consideration.


Cameron De Vere said that he would like more time to consider such a motion and commenced questioning Garvin as to the specifics of Garvin’s preferred Swiss pairing programs. At this point in the meeting, other members felt that this issue was too complex to be considered in view of the fact that it was raised from the floor at 10:30pm. As a result the discussion ended inconclusively.


No motion arose out of these discussions.


Meeting closed at 10.35pm.