Report – 21 January 2011


Tonight was supposed to see the finalisation of games from last year’s Allegro and 45 Minute Tournament, however only four keen chess players showed up. So it was a night of social chess.


Andrew played Tony in a series of 5 minute games while Jim Petrie played Michael Stock, a visitor to the club. The games between Andrew and Tony were even with Andrew just having the edge 4-2 – a good hit out for both players with the club’s ‘blitz season’ upon us. Jim played at a more sedate time control, and announced in astonishment that his opponent had beaten him despite opposite coloured bishops. Andrew was beginning to wonder about his question to Michael at the start: “Can you play with the clock?”.


Jim and Tony left and Andrew and Michael played about a dozen games of blitz. Michael won about the first six games straight until Andrew was finally able to break through. After this Andrew had a few missed opportunities, and achieved a draw in the last game when Michael played a very “experimental opening” but no further wins. During the games Michael was very focussed, but congenial afterwards and interesting to talk with. Michael said he was travelling around Australia among other countries in the region with his daughter. “She didn’t want to play chess so she stayed in the car. She is a grandmaster. She would beat us without even trying.” While they live in Germany, his daughter Lara Stock represented Croatia in the 2006 Turin Olympiad. This event was also attended by our very own Kieran Lyons representing Fiji, however these countries did not play each other in 2006.


Michael’s FIDE rating is 2275, so the question “Can you play with the clock?” was certainly inappropriate, and amusing to consider in retrospect! Michael considered that the players at our club are certainly stronger than their ACF ratings would indicate. If the ACF is reading, please note!




Quote of the night

“I imagine there would not be any politics in Australian chess” – Michael



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