Report – 20 June 2008
Stuart Wilson Trophy
Results (Round 2):
Tony Howes 1 Greg Colwell 0 (played 13 June)
Peter Ford 1 Cameron De Vere 0
Brendan Griffen 1 Nathan Shaw 0
Kieran Lyons ½ Andrew Robinson ½
Russell Lyons 0 Garvin Gray 1
Brian Willcock 1 John Roper 0
Josh Ford 1 point BYE
Peter Ford was the hero of the night with an unexpected victory over Cameron. Cameron was on the back foot arriving late, but then capitulating to the earliest finish of the night with a dreadful blunder. < pgn file >
Brendan won a game with an almost comical finish (the players thought so!) after Nathan miscalculated a vital check that gained Brendan a move during an exchange. Kieran had the better of Andrew towards the end and would probably have played on to victory but decided not to risk defeat on time as she was down to 12 seconds remaining near the end. Earlier on, Andrew was pressing for victory, but made an absurd move that gave Kieran a free pawn plus room to attack – the second worst blunder of the night!
Garvin and Brian gained their first victories of the tournament in the other two games. Russell had a won endgame but allowed his time to elapse and lost on time with the exchange up in the endgame.
Peter’s report:
I very fortunate and feel as if i stole one last night. Cameron made a terrible blunder with 17 ... Qf6 which led to the winning of a rook and his resignation (obviously 17. .. Nf6 was the correct move)…
Brendan’s report:
My game was Yugoslav attack in a Dragon Sicilian which was all going to theory until I played a move out of order and Nathan obtained a rook & pawn for my knight & bishop. I pressed on keeping all the pieces on the board with a number of threats coming from my centralized knight on d5. After what seemed a casual Qa5 threatening mate on a2. I had an excellent Queen check on b3 and instead of saving the game and playing d5. Nathan moved directly into a 'pretty' mate with my knight (taking g6 pawn of the dragon - he couldn't re-capture because of a rook pin on the h-file and his f pawn had since gone (allowing for the diagonal check on b3 with my Queen)). Quite a topsy-turvy game but we laughed it off all the same. We were more interested in 'other' games when the action was taking place on our board anyway!
Nathan’s report:
My game with Brendan began as a pretty standard Sicilian Dragon, in which I think I gained an early advantage with Brendan giving me two pieces for a rook and pawn and leaving me with a strong bishop pair. As the game progressed he created some queenside chances with a strong central knight and made sure that my dangerous attack along the a-c files was always a step behind his. Post-game analysis showed that I made a poor move in recapturing the g6 pawn with my f pawn instead of my h pawn. This opened the door to Brendan, with one queen move, simultaneously defending my attack and gaining time with a check through the space left by the f pawn. This leads to a nice mate with his knight in the corner. I think we worked out after the game that the mate could be avoided, but only with a critical loss of material.
Late news: Cameron has withdrawn due to transport problems on Friday nights. The arbiter has accepted his withdrawal.
Stuart Wilson Trophy 2008: Current standings
All players to play 7 games
No. |
1 |
Tony Howes |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Brendan Griffen |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Peter Ford |
2 |
2 |
4 |
Andrew Robinson |
1 |
2 |
5 |
Cameron De Vere |
1 |
2 |
6 |
Nathan Shaw |
1 |
2 |
7 |
Greg Colwell |
1 |
2 |
8 |
Garvin Gray |
1 |
2 |
9 |
Brian Willcock |
1 |
2 |
10 |
Josh Ford |
1 |
2 |
11 |
Kieran Lyons |
0.5 |
2 |
12 |
Russell Lyons |
0.5 |
2 |
13 |
John Roper |
0 |
2 |
Stuart Wilson Trophy Cup 2008 results in detail
Quote of the night
“It’s 23 not 12” – Garvin to Brendan on the DGT time setting
“Yes I know darling” – Brendan, who’s obviously on more than first name terms with the CAQ hierachy
“We’ll call you AnDRAW” – Nathan attempting a solicitous use of humour