Report – 9 May 2008


Flood Cup


Result (Round 5):

Tony Howes 1 Brendan Griffen 0


Results (Round 6):

Andrew Robinson v Tony Howes – to be played May 16

Nathan Shaw 0 Kieran Lyons 1

Brendan Griffen v Peter Ford – to be played May 16

Greg Colwell 1 Garvin Gray 0

Ray Adams v Brian Willcock – to be played May 16

Russell Lyons 1 John Roper 0

Nick Kospartov 1 Josh Ford 0

Mark Taylor 1 point BYE


Tony had a convincing win against Brendan to move to the top of the table with a game in hand to be played next week.


Nathan’s report on his game:

I started well against Kieran's Sicilian, putting a lot of early pressure on and removing her ability to castle. Unfortunately, while I think I went into the middle game with a positional advantage, the big difference in rating points started to show and she firstly isolated my central passed pawn then captured it. From there the position was such that the game was over and resignation followed a few moves later. Kieran pointed out after the game that the biggest turning point was my eagerness to exchange down and force an endgame too quickly. Once that happened, her king's position changed from a liability to an asset and her pawns looked much better than mine.


Greg’s report on his game with Garvin:

… a tight and long game of 61 moves, pawn for pawn the entire contest and a bit of end game luck. I had 2 pawns against 1 on the a and b files after the Queen exchange but I had a be patient and cover his other 5 pawns with my 4. I think analysis will show Garvin had better prospects but failed to take more of the centre. Judging from the time controls we went pass 11:30pm and 3.5 hours. The last time we played in the 2007 1 hr event we also came down to a black squared bishop and pawn ending. That game was also similar in the trade off 1 piece at a time until my QxN, QxQ, and N fork to grab a pawn and force black to trade his bishop for a pawn.


1. d4, Nf6   2. Nf3, e6   3. e3, c5   4. c3, b6   5. g3, Bb7

6. Bg2, Nc6   7. 0-0, d6   8. Nd2, Be7   9. Re1, 0-0   10. e4, c x d4

11. N x d4, N x d4   12. c x d4, d5   13. a3, Rc8   14. b4, d x e4   15. N x e4, Nd5

16. Bb2, Qd7   17. Qd3, Rc7   18. Ra-c1, Rf-c8   19. R x c7, R x c7   20. Rc1, R x c1+

21. B x c1, f4   22. Nc3, Qc7   23. Bb2, N x c3   24. B x b7, Q x b7   25. B x c3 b5

26. Qe3, Qd5   27. Bb2, Bf6   28. h4, Kf7   29. Qc3, Qc4   30. Q x c4, b x c4

31. Kf1, Ke7   32. Ke2, Kd6   33. Kd2, Kd5   34. Ke3, h6   35. f4, g5

36. h x g5, h x g5   37. a4, g x f4+   38. g x f4, Bh4   39. Bc3, Bd8   40. b5, Bc7

41. a5, Bd8   42. Bb4, c3   43. B x c3, Kc4   44. b6, a6   45. Be1, Kb5

46. Bh4, B x b6   47. a x b6, K x b6   48. Kd3, Kb5   49. Bd8, a5   50. Kc3, a4

51. Be7, Kc6   52. Kb4, Kd5   53. Bf6, a3   54. K x a3, Kc4   55. Be5, Kb5

56. Kb3, Kc6   57. Kc4, Kd7   58. Kc5, Ke7   59. Kc6, Kf8   60. Kd6, Kf7

61. Kd7, black resigns.


greg's notes:

move 5 White intended Bd3 but after 4....b6 the long white square diagonal needed protection and aborted to play g3.

move 30 White happy to trade Qs on c4 separating black pawns on Qside.

move 31 White is better if f4 followed by Kf2 and Ke3 saving 2 moves.

move 34 Black had big opportunity to open centre with e5. Trade of Bs presents difficulties for white in protecting both sets of pawns from advanced K.

move 44 White b6 (leaving bishop en prise) requires immediate answer by Black as K x c3 is answered by b x a2.

Either a x b6? (45. a6 and unstoppable Qing) or B x b6 and trade B for 2 pawns. Black played a6 which was unforeseen, but this leaves B on d8 locked in until white pawn move to b7.

move 46 Bh4 - acceptance by black allows Qing of b pawn and forces trade of B for 2 pawns.



Flood Cup 2008: Current standings

All players to play 7 games






Tony Howes




Kieran Lyons




Greg Colwell




Andrew Robinson




Nathan Shaw




Ray Adams




Brendan Griffen




Peter Ford




Russell Lyons




Garvin Gray




Nick Kospartov




Brian Willcock




Mark Taylor




John Roper




Josh Ford




James Hiller



Flood Cup 2008 results in detail



Standings after Round 5 (from Swissperfect)

 not including Round 6 game played tonight


Place Name               Feder Rtg Loc  Score Buch. M-Buch.
  1   Howes, Tony        QLD       1567 4.5    13.0     7.5
  2   Robinson, Andrew J QLD       1526 3.5    15.5     9.5
  3   Shaw, Nathan       QLD       1241 3.5    15.0     9.0
  4   Lyons, Kieran C    QLD       1433 3.5    11.5     7.5
  5   Adams, Ray         QLD       1379 3      16.0    10.0
  6   Griffen, Brendan   QLD            3      16.0     9.5
  7   Gray, Garvin       QLD       1242 3      11.5     7.5
  8   Colwell, Greg      QLD       1200 3      11.5     6.5
  9   Ford, Peter        QLD            3       9.5     5.5
 10   Willcock, Brian    QLD       1280 2      14.5     8.5
 11   Lyons, Russell     QLD       1276 2      13.0     8.0
 12   Kospartov, Nick    QLD       1181 2      11.5     7.0
 13   Roper, John        QLD       826  2      11.0     7.0
 14   Taylor, Mark       QLD       1058 1      12.5     8.0
 15   Ford, Josh         QLD            1       9.0     5.0
 16   Hiller, James      QLD       590  0       7.0     3.5


Crosstable after Round 5 (from Swissperfect)

No Name               Feder Loc Id  Rtg Total  1    2    3    4    5  
1  Howes, Tony        QLD   4134680     4.5    3:W 11:W  5:D 10:W  6:W
2  Robinson, Andrew J QLD   4156911     3.5    8:W 10:D  4:+  5:D  3:D
3  Shaw, Nathan       QLD   4555966     3.5    1:L 13:W  9:W  8:W  2:D
4  Lyons, Kieran C    QLD   4163613     3.5   14:W  6:D  2:- 11:W  5:W
5  Adams, Ray         QLD   4130045     3     13:W  7:W  1:D  2:D  4:L
6  Griffen, Brendan   QLD   4198031     3      0:W  4:D 10:D  7:W  1:L
7  Gray, Garvin       QLD   4167113     3      9:W  5:L 14:W  6:L 10:W
8  Colwell, Greg      QLD   4549806     3      2:L 16:W 11:W  3:L 12:W
9  Ford, Peter        QLD               3      7:L 12:W  3:L 14:W 15:W
10 Willcock, Brian    QLD   4140615     2     16:W  2:D  6:D  1:L  7:L
11 Lyons, Russell     QLD   4166321     2     15:W  1:L  8:L  4:L 14:W
12 Kospartov, Nick    QLD   4147254     2      0:   9:L 16:+ 13:W  8:L
13 Roper, John        QLD   4544921     2      5:L  3:L 15:W 12:L  0:W
14 Taylor, Mark       QLD   4537184     1      4:L 15:W  7:L  9:L 11:L
15 Ford, Josh         QLD               1     11:L 14:L 13:L 16:+  9:L
16 Hiller, James      QLD   4184255     0     10:L  8:L 12:- 15:-  0: 


Quote of the night

No quote tonight.



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