Allegro Tournament
Andrew Robinson 2 Brian Willcock 0
Brian Willcock 2 Greg Colwell 0
On a night more notable for a healthy stream of quotes than the chess played, Andrew stitched up the tournament with a couple of wins courtesy of Brian’s interesting oversights. Game one with white saw Andrew push through a couple of queenside passed pawns with queens still on the board. The second game was a romp with Brian sacrificing a bishop that also resulted in the loss of two rooks, from which recovery was never going to happen. Brain atoned for his losses with two good wins over a sleep deprived Greg. The first game was won on merit while the second was won following a series of blunders by Greg.
Further games played Monday night:
Kieran Lyons 2 Russell Lyons 0
Russell’s report: “Yes Kieran won both games, the last one was a close one.”
Allegro 2007: Final standings
All players to play 10 games
No. |
1 |
Andrew Robinson |
8.5 |
10 |
2 |
Kieran Lyons |
8 |
10 |
3 |
Brian Willcock |
5 |
10 |
4 |
Nathan Shaw |
4 |
10 |
5 |
Russell Lyons |
3 |
10 |
6 |
Greg Colwell |
1.5 |
10 |
Allegro 2007 results in detail
Note: Records of Cameron De Vere, John Curran and Eric Kapitány removed from table.
Odd Knights Tournament
No games played tonight.
Quote of the night
Regarding the AGM to be held on 7 Dec 2007:
“Do you want to see my motions?” – Nathan
“I only want to see solid motions at the AGM. Nothing that will run right through the meeting, thanks” – Andrew
On Brian’s arrival:
“Can I knock him off first?” – Andrew
“Yes, and you can play him at chess too.” – Mark, joining in the spirit of the night
Further on the AGM, some interesting proposals that may not (and should not!) get a seconder:
“Topless chess.” – Nathan
“Strip chess” – Greg
“Surveillance for electronic devices” – Brian
“No motions to be passed during the AGM” – Andrew
After playing timeless chess against Ray for two hours:
“And now I’m past my best because I’ve spent all my best on Ray” – Nathan
Concerning home Internet access (we think):
“We are equipping ourselves soon.” – Ray
“It’s wild chess” – Ray getting carried away during his game with Brian
“I would like to express myself at the AGM” – Ray raising the issue of a proxy vote (we think).