Brian Willcock 0 Andrew Robinson 1 (Round 6)
Stuart Wilson 1 James Hiller 0 (Round 10)
Gabriel Boross 1 Peter Hiller 0 (Round 10)
The fastest win of the year in tournament play was achieved by Andrew Robinson with a 14 move blitz of the club's rapid play specialist - veteran Mr Willcock - who appears to have run into a bad run of form. Brian's sad demise started with his disastrous ninth move from which he never recovered, although his resignation was perhaps hasty. When Andrew took more than 90 seconds on his 14th move, Brian said "Well if you're not going to make the obvious move then I'm going to resign", not seeing that the obvious move Bd4+ can be met with Kh8. (Note that 14… Qh2+, 15 Kf2 Qxg2+, 16 Ke1 Bg3+, 17 Rf2 Qg1+, 18 Kd2 Qxf2 winning a rook to add to the bishop advantage is forced). Andrew's win equalled Joe Tarnawski's record of 9 consecutive wins (achieved in 1992) and puts Andrew's score for the tournament out of reach of all but Harvey Q. Harvey can reach his total of 9 points - by beating Andrew next Friday and winning against George and Brian in the following weeks to force a play-off.
In other games Stuart avoided the wooden spoon, and James added another one to his collection. James said that he felt he pressed Stuart for most of the match. Stuart said nothing, and just smiled! Gabby beat Peter in a game that did not see a piece captured until move 18. However, Peter was constricted for space and got into all sorts of trouble from move 20. After the game Gabby said that he felt Peter wasn't playing at his best on the night. However Peter still remains favourite to win the Maiden. He needs 1½ points from his remaining 3 games against Doug, James and Michael to be certain of winning the Maiden Trophy.
Brian Willcock (1195) – Andrew Robinson (1546)
1 e4 c5, 2 f4 g6, 3 Nf3 Bg7, 4 e5 d6, 5 Be2 Nc6, 6 0-0 dxe5, 7 dxe5 Nxe5, 8 Nxe5 Bxe5, 9 Bc4?? Qd4+, 10 Kh1 Qxc4, 11 d3 Qh4, 12 h3 Qg3, 13 Kg1 Bxh3, 14 Qe2 white resigns 0-1
Stuart Wilson (1098) - James Hiller (925)
1 d4 d5, 2 e3 Nc6, 3 Bd3 Nf6, 4 c3 Bg5, 5 f3 Bh4, 6 Ne2 Qd6, 7 Ng3 e6, 8 Nxh4 Nxh4, 9 f4 0-0-0?, 10 Qxh4 g6, 11 Qe2 Be7, 12 0-0 Rhg8, 13 Rf3 Rcf8, 14 Nd2 g5, 15 Bxh7 Rh8, 16 Qd3 f5, 17 Bg6 gxf4, 18 exf4 Rfg8, 19 Bf7 Rg4, 20 Qe3 Rgh4, 21 h3 Nd8, 22 Bg6 Rg8, 23 Bxf5 exf5, 24 Nf1 Qg6, 25 Rg3 Qf7, 26 Nh2 Ne6, 27 Nf3 Rxf4, 28 Ne5 Qh7, 29 Nd7+ Kc8 (note: black's king must have walked from c8 to b8 somehow since 9!!), 30 Qxe6 Rxg3 (Position: W Kg1 Qe6 Ra1 Bc1 Nd7 a2 b2 c3 d4 g2 h3; B Kc8 Qh7 Rf4 Rg3 Be7 a7 b7 c7 d5 f5), 31 Nf6+ Kd8, 32 Nxh7? (white captures the free queen instead of the one move mate: Qd7#) Re4, 33 Qxd5+ Kc8, 34 Bd2 Re2, 35 Bf4 Rd3, 36 Qb5 Bh4, 37 Qxd3 Bf2+, 38 Kf1 (Final position: W Kf1 Qd3 Ra1 Bf4 Nh7 a2 b2 c3 d4 g2 h3; B Kc8 Re2 Be2 a7 b7 c7 f5) black resigns 1-0
Gabriel Boross (1344) - Peter Hiller (1132)
1 d4 d5, 2 Nf3 e6, 3 Nbd2 Bd6, 4 e4 c6, 5 e5 Bc7, 6 Bd3 Ne7, 7 0-0 0-0, 8 c3 a5, 9 Qc2 Ng6, 10 Re1 f5, 11 Nf1 Nd7, 12 Be2 c5, 13 Ng5 Qe7, 14 Bh5 Nh8, 15 f4 g6, 16 Be2 c4, 17 b3 b5, 18 bxc bxc, 19 a4 Bb7, 20 Ba3 Qg7, 21 Nxe6 Qh6, 22 Bxf8 Nxf8, 23 Nxc7 Rc8, 24 Nb5 Qxf4, 25 Nd6 Rc2, 26 Nxb7 Rxb7, 27 Qd2 Qh4, 28 Bf3 Rd7, 29 e6 Re7, 30 Bxd5 g5, 31 Qf2 Qg4, 32 Ne3 Qf4, 33 Qxf4 gxf4, 34 Nxf5 Re8, 35 e7+ Nf7, 36 exf8=Q+ Rxf8, 37 Bxf7+ Rxf7, 38 Nh6 (Final position Kg1 Ra1 Re1 Nh6 a4 c3 d4 g2 h2; B Kg8 Rf7 a5 c4 f4 h7) black resigns 1-0
One Hour Tournament: Standings at 30 August 2002
All players to play 10 games
No. |
1 |
Andrew Robinson |
9 |
9 |
2 |
Gabriel Boross |
8½ |
10 |
3 |
Harvey Quaresmini |
6 |
7 |
4 |
George Flitcroft-Smith |
6 |
8 |
5 |
Brian Willcock |
4½ |
8 |
6 |
Peter Hiller |
3 |
7 |
7 |
John Curran |
2½ |
9 |
8 |
Doug Foster |
2 |
8 |
9 |
Michael Hussey |
2 |
8 |
10 |
Stuart Wilson |
2 |
10 |
11 |
James Hiller |
½ |
8 |
One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail
45 Minute Tournament
Doug Foster 0 Harvey Quaresmini 1
This games was over within 10 minutes which tells the story. With a number of withdrawals the tables for this tournament has been re-jigged. See the link to the crosstable below for full details.
"45 Minute": Standings at 30 August 2002
Round-Robin format
No. |
1 |
Harvey Quaresmini |
3 |
4 |
2 |
George Flitcroft-Smith |
2 |
2 |
3 |
Ben Lazarus |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Stuart Wilson |
1 |
3 |
5 |
John Curran |
1 |
4 |
6 |
Doug Foster |
0 |
2 |
45 Minute tournament 2002 results in detail
Other chess
CAQ president Howard Duggan visited the club tonight, and as well as broadcasting the CAQ message, he managed to slip in a few games and showed that he was an accomplished player.