Michael Hussey 1 James Hiller 0
Andrew Robinson 1 Gabriel Boross 0
Only two games were played tonight, both from Round 8. In the game that may well prove decisive to the final outcome of the tournament, Andrew managed a win against Gabby, but this was only the result of a terrible blunder by black that gave away a rook, triggering an immediate resignation. The other game was seesawing with James having a clear winning advantage after move 17 - he was a clear rook plus the exchange ahead!! But a few gross blunders from James (particularly move 21!) allowed Michael to claw his way back into the game. The turnaround continued to such an extent that it was Michael who was several pieces up at the end and this material advantage allowed him to force black's resignation a move away from checkmate.
Selected games from the One Hour tournament will be published each week.
Michael Hussey (unrated) - James Hiller (925)
1 e4 d6, 2 d4 Nf6, 3 Nc3 e5, 4 d5 c6, 5 Bc4 Bg4, 6 f3 Bh5, 7 g4 Bg6, 8 h4 Nd7, 9 h5 Be7, 10 hxg6 Bh4+, 11 Ke2 hxg6, 12 dxc6 bxc6, 13 Qxd6 Qb6, 14 Rh2 Qxg1, 15 Bf4 Qxa1, 16 Rxh4 Rxh4, 17 Bxe5 Qxb2 (position: W Ke2 Qd6 Bc4 Be5 Nc3 a2 c2 e4 f3 g4; B Ke8 Qb2 Ra8 Rh4 Nb8 Nd7 a7 c6 f7 g6 g7), 18 Bb3 Kd8, 19 Qc7+ Ke7, 20 Qd6+ Ke8, 21 Bxg7 Rh2+, 22 Qxh2 Nc5, 23 Qe5+ Kd7, 24 Qxc5 Na6, 25 Qa5 Nc7, 26 Kd3 Rd8, 27 Bf6 Ke8, 28 Bxd8 Kxd8, 29 Qxa7 Ne6, 30 Qb8+ Ke7, 31 Qb7+ Kf6, 32 Qxc6 Ke5, 33 Qd5+ Kf4, 34 e5 f5, 35 exf6 Ng5, 36 f7 Nxf7, 37 Qxf7+ Kg5, 38 Ne4+ Kh4, 39 Qxg6 Qe5, 40 Qh7+ black resigns (40… Qh5, 41 Qxh5# is forced) 1-0
Andrew Robinson (1546) - Gabriel Boross (1344)
1 d4 d5, 2 c4 c6, 3 Nc3 Nf6, 4 Nf3 g6, 5 Bg5 Nbd7, 6 Qc2 Bg7, 7 e4 dxe4, 8 Nxe4 0-0, 9 Be2 Qa5+, 10 Bd2 Qd8, 11 0-0 Nxe4, 12 Qxe4 Nf6, 13 Qc2 Bf5, 14 Bd3 Bg4, 15 Be2 Bxf3, 16 Bxf3 Qxd4, 17 Be3 Qd8, 18 Rfe1 Qc7, 19 Rad1 Rad8, 20 Qb3 b6, 21 Qc2 e5, 22 b3 e4, 23 Bxe4 Ng4, 24 g3 Nxe3, 25 Rxe3 Bd4, 26 Re2 c5, 27 Bd5 Rde8, 28 Rde1 Qd6??, 29 Rxe8 black resigns 1-0
One Hour Tournament: Standings at 16 August 2002
All players to play 10 games
No. |
1 |
Andrew Robinson |
7 |
7 |
2 |
Gabriel Boross |
6½ |
8 |
3 |
George Flitcroft-Smith |
6 |
8 |
4 |
Harvey Quaresmini |
5 |
6 |
5 |
Brian Willcock |
4½ |
6 |
6 |
John Curran |
2½ |
8 |
7 |
Peter Hiller |
2 |
5 |
8 |
Michael Hussey |
2 |
7 |
9 |
Doug Foster |
1 |
7 |
10 |
Stuart Wilson |
1 |
8 |
11 |
James Hiller |
½ |
6 |
One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail
Other chess
No transfer again – this form of non-chess seems no longer to be flavour of the month! Even shogi seems more popular!! Paul Evans made his first appearance at the club in several weeks and played games against Harvey, John and Andrew. He began the process of recovery from lack of chess…. In other late games, Brian made up for last week’s One Hour loss by coming back from three pieces down to beat Gabby in a social game. He seemed much amsued….