Brian Willcock 1 Michael Hussey 0
Andrew Robinson 1 George Flitcroft-Smith 0
Gabriel Boross 1 Stuart Wilson 0
James Hiller ½ John Curran ½ (from Round 6)
Doug Foster 0 Harvey Quaresmini 1 (from Round 8)
Peter Hiller bye
This week was a momentous occasion for James Hiller who finally broke his drought in competitive rated chess and ended a 28 match losing streak. Weeks of steady improvement in James’ play (assisted by Nigel Short, no less!) paid dividends when he achieved a draw in his game with John Curran. In fact it should have turned out even better for him when he reached the endgame with a clearcut winning position (R+R+B v R+B advantage after 80 minutes of play by both sides). Then, near the 2 hour mark, he attempted to interrupt the Robinson-Flitcroft-Smith game at a crucial stage with the statement: “I need an adjudication”. Harvey was promptly drafted to fill in as acting DOP. He surveyed the board, and announced the verdict in his booming voice: “There are only kings left on the board. It is definitely a draw!” James’ next remark was “does this mean I get a rating?”. Much later in the night he provided his Rugby League match of the round style post-mortem: “I must commend John Curran. I was in command most of the game, but he fought it out to the end”. John later relayed his comment on the game: “I managed to reel in James for a draw after being a Queen down. That game was full of mistakes. There were 2 Kings left standing at the end.”
In other games Brian, Andrew, Gabby and Harvey all had wins. Brian managed to gain a crucial pawn advantage, and capitalised on this when Michael’s play was affected by time trouble. George meant to play quietly, but found himself in positional difficulty in the opening - and this led him to exchange a rook for a knight on f3 to gain some space and tempi. A further knight was sacrificed on h5 in a daring ploy to obtain mate in the corner. Andrew managed to hold on defensively and was assisted by George falling foul of acute time trouble towards the closing stages.
Selected games from the One Hour tournament will be published each week.
Brian Willcock (1317) - Michael Hussey (unrated)
1 e4 c5, 2 f4 Nc6, 3 c3 d5, 4 e5 Nh6, 5 Nf3 e6, 6 Be2 Be7, 7 0-0 0-0, 8 d4 c4, 9 Be3 Nf5,10 Qd2 f6, 11 Na3 a6, 12 Nc2 Qb6, 13 Rb1 Qa5, 14 a3 Qa4, 15 Bd1 Na5, 16 Na1 Qe8, 17 Bc2 Nh6, 18 Bf2 Ng4, 19 Qe2 Qh5, 20 h3 Nxf2, 21 Rxf2 Bd7, 22 Nh2 Qxe2, 23 Rxe2 Rf7, 24 Rf1 f5, 25 Nf3 h6, 26 g3 Raf8,27 Kh2 Kh7, 28 Rg2 g5, 29 g4 gxf4, 30 g5 hxg5, 31 Nxg5 Bxg5, 32 Rxg5 Rg7, 33 Rxg7 Kxg7, 34 Rxf4 Rg8, 35 Rf3 Nc6, 36 Bd1 Ne7, 37 h4 Kh6, 38 Rg3 Rxg3, 39 Kxg3 Be8, 40 Nc2 a5, 41 Ne1 Bh5, 42 Bxh5 Kxh5, 43 Nf3 (position: W Kg3 Nf3 a3 b2 c3 d4 e5 h4; B Kh5 Ne7 a5 b7 c4 d5 e6 f5) Ng8? (Ng6 is better), 44 Ng5 Nh6, 45 Nxe6 Ng4, 46 Nf4+ Kh6, 47 Nxd5 Ne3, 48 Kf3 Nd1, 49 e6 black resigns 1-0
Andrew Robinson (1579) - George Flitcroft-Smith (1568)
1 d4 f5, 2 c4 Nf6, 3 Nc3 e6, 4 Nf3 d6, 5 Qc2 Be7, 6 e4 fxe4, 7 Nxe4 Nc6, 8 a3 0-0, 9 Bd3 Nh5, 10 0-0 Rxf3, 11 gxf3 Nxd4, 12 Qd1 e5, 13 Ng3 Qf8, 14 Nxh5 Nxf3+, 15 Kg2 Bg4, 16 Be2 Nh4+, 17 Kh1 Bh3, 18 Be3 Bg2+, 19 Kg1 Qf7, 20 Ng3 Qe6, 21 f3 c6, 22 Rf2 Bh3, 23 Bf1 Rf8, 24 Bxh3 Qxh3, 25 Qf1 Qe6, 26 Re1 Qg6, 27 f4 e4, 28 Bxa7 d5, 29 cxd5 cxd5, 30 Bd4 Bd6, 31 Re3 Nf5, 32 Bb6 d4, 33 Qc4+ Kh8, 34 Bxd4 b5, 35 Qc3 b4 (George now into his last 5 minutes), 36 axb4 Rg8, 37 Be5 Nxe3, 38 Qxe3 Bf8, 39 Qxe4 Qg4, 40 Qf3 Qc8, 41 Kg2 Bxb4, 42 Bc3 Bf8, 43 h4 h6, 44 Qh5 (threatening Qxh6#) Qc6+, 45 Kh3 Bc5, 46 Rg2 Kh7, 47 Qf5+ Kh8, 48 Nh5 Bf8, 49 Qg6 Qxg6, 50 Rxg6 Kh7, 51 Rg2 Kh8, 52 Bxg7+ Bxg7, 53 Rxg7 Rb8, 54 Rg2 Kh7 (Position now: W Kh3 Rg2 Nh5 b2 f4 h4; B Kh7 Rb8 h6. Andrew stopped recording as he now reached his last 5 minutes – with George into his last minute. 55 Nf6+ Kh8, 56 Rg8+ will force a quick win for white via the passed pawns, however some time pressure induced play ensued that resulted in black losing on time. Final position: W Kh3 Rf2 Nd4 b2 f4 h4; B Kf5 Rb5 h6 – knight fork check about to force the loss of black’s rook) 1-0
Gabriel Boross (1320) - Stuart Wilson (1119)
1 e4 g6, 2 d4 Bg7, 3 Nf3 d6, 4 Bc4 Nf6, 5 Nbd2 0-0, 6 0-0 Nbd7, 7 a3 c5, 8 c3 Nb6, 9 Ba2 Be6, 10 d5 Bd7, 11 Re1 Ba4, 12 Bb3 Qd7, 13 Nf1 c4, 14 Bxa4 Nxa4, 15 e5 Ng4, 16 Bf4 Nb6, 17 Qd2 Qb5, 18 h3 Qxd5, 19 hxg4 Qxd2, 20 Bxd2 d5, 21 e6 Na4, 22 Rb1 Nc5, 23 exf7+ Rxf7, 24 Ne3 Nd3, 25 Rf1 e6, 26 Ne1 Nf4, 27 f3 g5, 28 N3c2 Be5, 29 Bxf4 Bxf4, 30 Nd4 Rf6, 31 N1c2 Rh6, 32 Kf2 Rh2, 33 Rh1 e5, 34 Rxh2 Bxh2, 35 Nf5 Rf8, 36 g3 e4, 37 N2d4 h5, 38 Rh1 Bxg3+, 39 Kxg3 h4+, 40 Kg2 Re8, 41 Ne3 Re5, 42 Kf2 Kf7, 43 fxe4 Rxe4, 44 Kf3 Re5, 45 Rf1 Ke7, 46 Re1 Kf6, 47 Ndf5 h3, 48 Kg3 black resigned 1-0
James Hiller (unrated) - John Curran (unrated)
1 e4 d5, 2 d3 dxe4, 3 Nc3 Nf6, 4 f3 exd3, 5 cxd3 Nd5, 6 d4 Nxc3, 7 bxc3 e6, 8 Bb5+ Bd7, 9 Qd3 a6, 10 Bc4 Bd6, 11 Nh3 e5, 12 Qe3 0-0, 13 dxe5 Qe8, 14 Ng5 Bxe5, 15 Bxf7+ Kh8, 16 Bxe8 Rxe8, 17 Nf7 Kg8, 18 Nxe5 Nc6 (James is a clear queen ahead at this stage!!), 19 Qg5? (f4 will hold the piece) Rxe5+, 20 Qxe5 Nxe5, 21 0-0 Kf7, 22 Bf4 Re8, 23 Rae1 Kf6, 24 Bxe5+ Kf7, 25 Bxc7 Rc8, 26 Be5 b5, 27 f4 Be6, 28 f5 Bxa2, 29 f6 g6, 30 Rd1 Bc4, 31 Rd7+ Ke6, 32 Rd1? (Re7+ will save the piece) Kxe5, 33 f7 Rf8, 34 Re7+ Kf6, 35 Rd6+? (Rxe7 wins a rook) Kg7??, 36 Rxa6 Bxf7, 37 g4 Kg8, 38 h4 Bc4, 39 h5 g5, 40 Rh6 Rf7, 41 Re8+ Rf8, 42 Rxf8+ Kxf8, 43 Rxh7 Kg8, 44 Rh6 Kg7, 45 Rg6+ Kh7, 46 Rxg5 Bd3 (position W Kg1 Rg5 c3 g4 h5; B Kh7 Bd3 b5), 47 Rxb5?? Bxb5, 48 g5 Bd3, 49 g6+ Kh6, 50 Kf2 Bxg6, 51 c4? Kxh5, 52 Ke3 Be8, 53 Kd4 Kg5, 54 Kd5 Bf7+, 55 Kc5 Bxc4, 56 Kxc4 ½-½
Doug Foster (1222) – Harvey Quaresmini (1427)
1 Nf3 d5, 2 d4 g6, 3 b3 c5, 4 c3 Bg7, 5 Bb2 cxd4, 6 cxd4 Nc6, 7 e3 a6, 8 g3 Qc7, 9 Bg2 Bf5, 10 Nbd2 Nf6, 11 Rc1 0-0, 12 Ne5 Rac8, 13 Nxc6 bxc6, 14 0-0 Qa5, 15 a4 Qb6, 16 Ba3 Rfe8, 17 Bc5 Qb7, 18 Nf3 Nd7, 19 a5 bxa5, 20 bxa Nxc5, 21 Rxc5 Qa8, 22 Qd2 Qa7, 23 Rfc1 Qb7, 24 Bf1 Be4, 25 a6 Qc7, 26 Ng5 Bf5, 27 Rxd5 h6, 28 Nf3 Be4, 29 Rdc5 Bxf3, 30 Bg2 Bxg2, 31 Kxg2 Qb6, 32 Qd3 Rc7, 33 a5 Qa7, 34 Rxc6 Rec8, 35 d5 Be5, 36 Rb1 Rxc6, 37 dxc6 Rxc6, 38 Qd8+ Kg7, 39 Qd3 Rxa6, 40 f4 Bf6, 41 e4 e5, 42 fxe5 Bxe5, 43 Rb5 Rxa5, 44 Qd5 Rxb5, 45 Qxb5 Bxf6, 46 e5 Qa2+, 47 Kh3 Qe6+, 48 Kg2 Qxe5, 49 Qxe5 Bxe5, 50 Kf3 (Final position: W Kf3 g3 h2; B Kg7 Be5 f7 g6 h6) white resigns 0-1
Peter Hiller (1038) bye
One Hour Tournament: Standings at 19 July 2002
All players to play 10 games
No. |
1 |
Andrew Robinson |
5 |
5 |
2 |
Brian Willcock |
4½ |
5 |
3 |
Gabriel Boross |
4 |
4 |
4 |
George Flitcroft-Smith |
3½ |
5 |
5 |
Harvey Quaresmini |
3 |
4 |
6 |
John Curran |
1½ |
6 |
7 |
Peter Hiller |
1 |
3 |
8 |
Michael Hussey |
1 |
4 |
9 |
Stuart Wilson |
1 |
6 |
10 |
James Hiller |
½ |
4 |
11 |
Doug Foster |
0 |
4 |
One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail
No transfer tonight. Andrew & George played some lightning and came off square at 2½ games a piece. Brian & Doug played their regular late night chess with Brian making accusations of “pusillanimous moves” (about his own moves or those of Doug, one wonders?).