Report – 5 July 2002


One Hour Tournament 2002



George Flitcroft-Smith 1 Michael Hussey 0 (from Round 3)

Gabriel Boross 1 James Hiller 0 (from Round 3)

Stuart Wilson 0 Andrew Robinson 1 (from Round 4)

John Curran 0 Harvey Quaresmini 1 (from Round 5)


After tonight’s play there remain four undefeated players. The destiny of the tournament would appear to lie among these 4 and Harvey. However there is also another trophy up for grabs – the Maiden. The Hillers together with first time tournament entrants John & Michael will be the four to fight for this trophy. The player among them with the highest points total at the end of the tournament will scoop the prize – if there is a tie then a play-off will take place.


In tonight’s games there were fairly straightforward wins to the top 4 seeds in the tournament. Stuart tried something different with an interesting knight sac at move 10 which weakened black’s kingside white squares. However, the exchange of the white squared bishop following his 16th move negated this advantage before he could get his other pieces into the action. In other games, Michael struck disaster at move 5, while John was undone by a blundered piece at move 25. Gabby gained pieces with moves 13 and 30 which accounted for his material advantage at the time of black’s resignation.


Selected games from the One Hour tournament will be published each week.


George Flitcroft-Smith (1568) – Michael Hussey (unrated)

1 Nf3 d5, 2 c4 dxc4, 3 Nc3 Nc6, 4 e4 Bg4, 5 Bxc4 Ne5??, 6 Nxe5 (threatening 7 Bxf7#) e6, 7 Qa4+ c6, 8 Nd5 Ne7, 9 Nf6+ gxf6, 10 Nxg4 Bg7, 11 Qb3 b5, 12 Bxe6 fxe6, 13 Qxe6 Rf8, 14 d4 Qxd4, 15 0-0 f5, 16 Bg5 Rf7, 17 Rad1 Qxe4, 18 Qd7+ Kf8, 19 Qd8+ Rxd8, 20 Rxd8# 1-0


Gabriel Boross (1320) – James Hiller (unrated)

1 e4 e5, 2 Nc3 Nf6, 3 f4 d6, 4 Nf3 Nc6, 5 Bc4 Qe7, 6 0-0 Bg4, 7 Qe1 Nb4, 8 Bb3 a5, 9 a3 Bxf3, 10 Rxf3 Nc6, 11 fxe5 Nh5??, 12 Bxf7+ Kd8, 13 Bxh5 Qxe5, 14 Qe2 Nd4!, 15 Rxf8+ Rxf8, 16 Qg4 Nxc2, 17 Qh4+ Qe7, 18 Qxe7+ Kxe7, 19 Rb1 Nd4, 20 d3 Rad8?, 21 Bg5+ Kd7, 22 Bxd8 Rxd8, 23 Rf1 Ke7, 24 Rf7+ Ke6, 25 Rxc7 d5, 26 Rxg7 dxe4, 27 Nxe4 Nf5, 28 Bg4 Rxd3??, 29 Nc5+ Kf6, 30 Nxd3 Kxg7, 31 Bxf5 Kf6, 32 Bxh7 Kg5, 33 Nc5 b5, 34 b3 Kg4, 35 Bd3 Kh4, 36 Bxb5 black resigns 1-0


Stuart Wilson (1119) – Andrew Robinson (1579)

1 d4 d5, 2 e3 g6, 3 Bd3 Bg7, 4 f4 Nf6, 5 Nf3 0-0, 6 0-0 Nbd7, 7 Ng5 c5, 8 c3 c4, 9 Bc2 h6, 10 Ne6?! fxe6, 11 Bxg7 Ne4, 12 Qf3 Ndf6, 13 Nd2 Nxd2, 14 Bxd2 Bd7, 15 Qh3 e5, 16 Bf5? e4, 17 Be1 Bxf5, 18 Qxf5 Qd7, 19 Qg6 Qg4, 20 f5 Qxg6, 21 fxg6 Nd7, 22 Bh4 Bf6, 23 Rf4 Bxh4, 24 Rxh4 Kg7, 25 Rg4? Rf6, 26 Rf1 Raf8, 27 h4?? Rxf1+, 28 Kh2 R1f2, 29 h5 Nf6, 30 Rf4 Rxf4, 31 exf4 Nxh5, 32 g3 Nxf4, 33 gxf4 Rxf4, 34 Kg3 Rf6, 35 Kg4 Kxg6 white resigns 0-1


John Curran (unrated) – Harvey Quaresmini (1427)

1 d4 Nf6, 2 Nc3 g6, 3 e3 Bg7, 4 Bd3 0-0, 5 Nf3 Re8, 6 0-0 c6, 7 Ne4 Qc7, 8 Nxf6+ Bxf6, 9 e4 d6, 10 Bg5 Bg7, 11 Qd2 Bg4, 12 Be2 Qb6, 13 Be3 Nd7, 14 d5 Qc7, 15 Bd4 Nf6, 16 Bxf6 Bxf6, 17 c3 e5, 18 dxc6 Qxc6, 19 Qd5 Qxd5, 20 exd5 Rac8, 21 h3 Bf5, 22 Nd2 a6, 23 f3 Bh4, 24 Ne4 Red8, 25 f4?? Bxe4, 26 fxe5 dxe5, 27 c4 Kg7, 28 b3 Rd6, 29 Bf3 Bxf3, 30 Rxf3 e4, 31 Rf4 Bf6, 32 Re1 b5, 33 Rfxe4 bxc4, 34 bxc4 a5, 35 a4 Rb8, 36 Rc1 Rb4, 37 c5 Rxd5, 38 Rxb4 axb4, 39 c6 Bc3, 40 Rb1 Rc5, 41 Kf2 Rxc6, 42 Ke3 Ra6, 43 Kd3 Rxa4, 44 Kc4 Ra2, 45 g4 Rh2, 46 Rg1 Rxh3, 47 g5 Bd2, 48 Rg2 Rh4+, 49 Kb3 Bc3, 50 Rg3 Rh2, 51 Kc4 Rb2, 52 Rf3 Rb1, 53 Rg3 Bd2, 54 Rg2 Bf4, 55 Rg4 Bd6, 56 Rd4 Be7, 57 Rd3 Bxg5, 58 Rb3 Rxb3, 59 Kxb3 Be7, 60 Kc4 white resigns 0-1



One Hour Tournament: Standings at 5 July 2002

All players to play 10 games






Andrew Robinson




George Flitcroft-Smith




Gabriel Boross




Brian Willcock




Harvey Quaresmini




Peter Hiller




Michael Hussey




John Curran




Doug Foster




James Hiller




Stuart Wilson




One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail




No transfer tonight.  However chess continued well into the night with George, Ray Adams, Brian & Doug the chief culprits. James left early to see Lleyton play in the semis at Wimbledon, after telling all within earshot about who he likes at Wimbledon and who he doesn’t like at Wimbledon (accompanied, of course, by every sporting cliché ever dreamt up…). Andrew also left relatively early, after playing an interesting set of lightning games with George using the preferred 3 min + 2 sec time control (“if we get a full set of digital clocks, the lightning tournament will be run on these controls” – DOP).




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