Report – 28 June 2002


One Hour Tournament 2002



Brian Willcock 1 Stuart Wilson 0

Andrew Robinson 1 Doug Foster 0

Peter Hiller 0 Harvey Quaresmini 1

Michael Hussey 0 John Curran 1 (from Round 4)


Four games were played tonight. Stuart proved his unpredictability by coming off a massive effort last week against George, to playing Father Christmas twice to Brian. Brian nearly lodged an objection with the DOP claiming copyright on this ‘strategy’ – of luring the opponent into a false sense of overconfidence. Andrew managed to win against Doug who blundered in extreme time trouble.  However up to this point it was fairly even with Andrew up the exchange, but Doug with a strong knight and pawn advantage to compensate. Harvey ungraciously claims his 2 previous losses to Peter were due to him falling asleep while Peter took an eternity to make a move. No such thing happened this week although Harvey’s win was hard fought, and Peter missed claiming a draw on repetition as late in the game as move 67.


Congratulations to John for scoring his first win in an intra-club tournament rated game. He managed to force the issue with good king position in a pawn endgame.


Selected games from the One Hour tournament will be published each week.


Brian Willcock (1317) - Stuart Wilson (1119)

1 e4 g6, 2 d4 Bg7, 3 Bg5 Nf6, 4 Nc3 d5, 5 e5 Ne4, 6 Nxe4 dxe4, 7 Qd2 h6, 8 Bf4 a5, 9 Qc3 Nc6, 10 0-0-0 Nb4, 11 Bc4 b5, 12 Bxb5+ Bd7, 13 Bxd7 Qxd7, 14 Qc4 Ra6, 15 d5 Qa4, 16 a3 Na2+??, 17 Qxa2 0-0, 18 Ne2 Qb5, 19 Nc3 Qc5, 20 Nxe4 Qb5, 21 Qb3 Qxb3, 22 cxb3 Rb8, 23 Nc5 Ra7, 24 Rd3 Rb5, 25 Rc3 f6, 26 Re1 g5, 27 a4 Rb4, 28 Be3 fxe5, 29 Ne6 Bf6??, 30 Bxa7 e4, 31 f3 Bxc3, 32 bxc3 Rxb3, 33 Kc2 Ra3, 34 Kb2 Rxa4, 35 Rxe4 Kf7, 36 Nxc7 Kf6, 37 Bd4+ e5, 38 Bb6 g4, 39 Bxa5 Kg5, 40 d6 and the games malingered on for a further dozen moves or so before black was mated 1-0


Andrew Robinson (1579) - Doug Foster (1222)

1 d4 d5, 2 c4 e6, 3 Nf3 Nf6, 4 Nc3 c6, 5 Qc2 Bb4, 6 Bd2 Nbd7, 7 e3 Qa5, 8 Be2 0-0, 9 0-0 Re8, 10 a3 Bxc3, 11 Bxc3 Qc7, 12 cxd5 exd5, 13 h3 Ne4, 14 Rac1 Ndf6, 15 Bd3 Bd7, 16 Ne5 Rac8, 17 Nxd7 Qxd7, 18 Rfe1 Nxc3, 19 Bf5 Qc7, 20 Bxc8 Qxc8, 21 bxc3 Ne4, 22 f3 Nd6, 23 e4 dxe4, 24 fxe4 Nc4, 25 Qd3 b5, 26 Ra1 a6, 27 Qf3 Qb8, 28 e5 Re6, 29 Rf1 Qa7, 30 Ra2 Nxe5, 31 Qf5 Nc4, 32 Qf2 Rf6, 33 Re1 Qd7, 34 Qg3 h6, 35 Qd3 Rg6, 36 Rae2 Qd5, 37 Ra1 c5, 38 Kh2 cxd4, 39 cxd4 Qd6+, 40 Kh1 Qd5, 41 Qe4 Qxe4, 42 Rxe4 Nd6, 43 Re7 Nf5, 44 Rd7 Ne3, 45 Ra2 Nc4, 46 d5 a5, 47 Rb7 Nd6, 48 Rb6 Kh7, 49 Rb2 f6??, 50 Rxd6 b4, 51 axb4 a4, black lost on time 1-0


Peter Hiller (1038) - Harvey Quaresmini (1427)

1 e4 e5, 2 c3 Nf6, 3 d3 Bc5, 4 Be2 0-0, 5 Nf3 d5, 6 0-0 dxe4, 7 Nxe5, exd3, 8 Nxd3 Bb6, 9 Bg5 Qd6, 10 Bxf6 Qxf6, 11 Nd2 Nc6, 12 Nc4 Be6, 13 Nxb6 axb6, 14 Bf3 Rxa2, 15 Bxc6 bxc6, 16 Nb4 Rxb2, 17 Nxc6 Qxc3, 18 Rc1 Qf6, 19 f3 Qg5, 20 Rf2 Rxf2, 21 Kxf2 b5, 22 g3 Bc4, 23 Na5 Rd8, 24 Qe1 h6, 25 Nxc4 Qc5+, 26 Ne3 Qb6, 27 Rd1 Rc8, 28 Kg2 c6, 29 Nf5 Ra8, 30 Kh1 c5, 31 Rd6 Qb7, 32 Qf2 c4, 33 g4 b4, 34 h4 b3, 35 Rb6 Qc7, 36 Qd4 f6, 37 Qd5+ Kh7, 38 Qxa8 Qxb6, 39 Qf8 Qb7, 40 h5 Qxf3+ (position – W: Kh1 Qf8 Nf5 g4 h5; B: Kh7 Qf3 b3 c4 f6 g7 h6), 41 Kh2 Qf5+, 42 Kh3 Qf1+, 43 Kh2 Qf5+, 44 Kh3 Qf3+, 45 Kh4 Qh1+, 46 Kg3 Qg1+, 47 Kh4 Qf2+? (Qh2#), 48 Kh3 Qf3+, 49 Kh4 Qh1+, 50 Kg3 Qe1+, 51 Kh3 Qh1+, 52 Kg3 Qb7, 53 Qe8 Qc7+, 54 Kg2 b2, 55 Ne7 Qxe7, 56 Qxe7 b1=Q, 57 Qe2 c3, 58 Qf3 Qb2+, 59 Kg3 Qb8+, 60 Kh3 Qc8, 61 Qe4+ Kh8, 62 Qc2 Qc4, 63 Kg3 Qd2, 64 Qg6 Qe3+, 65 Kg2 Qd2+, 66 Kg3 c2, 67 Qf5?? (67 Qe8 Kh7, 68 Qg6 Kg8 or Kh8 draws on repetition) Qe3, 68 Qf3 Qxf3, 69 Kxf3 c1=Q, 70 Kg3.. the game continued until checkmate at which time black had more time, but both players were well within the last 5 minutes 0-1


Michael Hussey (unrated) – John Curran (unrated)

1 e4 d6, 2 Nc3 Nf6, 3 Bd3? Nc6, 4 Nf3 Bg4, 5 Bb5 Qd7, 6 d4 Bxf3 7 Qxf3 a6? (Nxd4 …), 8 Ba4 b5, 9 Bb3 Nxd4, 10 Qd3 Nxb3, 11 axb3 e5, 12 0-0 Be7, 13 f4 exf4, 14 Bxf4 0-0, 15 Rf3 c6, 16 Rh3 h6, 17 Rf1 Nh7, 18 e5 Rd8, 19 Rd1 dxe5?, 20 Bxe5? (20 Qxd7 Rxd7, 21 Rxd7 wins a rook) Qxd3, 21 Rhxd3 Rxd3, 22 Rxd3 Rd8, 23 Rxd8+ Bxd8, 24 Kf2 Bf6, 25 Bxf6 Nxf6, 26 Kf3 g5, 27 Ne4 Kg7, 28 Nxf6? (28 Nc5 gives some chance on queenside) Kxf6, 29 Ke4 h5, 30 h3 h4, 31 b4 Ke6, 32 c3 f5+, 33 Kd4 g4, 34 hxg4 fxg4, 35 Ke3 Kf5, 36 Kf2 Kf4, 37 g3 hxg3, 38 Kg2 Ke3, 39 Kxg3 Kd3, 40 Kxg4 Kc2, 41 Kf4 Kxb2, 42 Ke4 Kxc3, 43 Ke5 Kxb4, 44 Kd6 c5, 45 Kc6 a5, 46 Kb6 a4, 47 Kc6 a3 white resigns 0-1



One Hour Tournament: Standings at 28 June 2002

All players to play 10 games






Andrew Robinson




Brian Willcock




George Flitcroft-Smith




Gabriel Boross




Harvey Quaresmini




Michael Hussey




Peter Hiller




John Curran




James Hiller




Doug Foster




Stuart Wilson




One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail




No transfer tonight. The keeper of the keys needed to prepare to meet the kei to happiness.



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