Equipment Officer's Report


22nd October 2004



A few of the club's new digital clocks have required batteries to be replaced throughout the year. Since I put the turn off clock reminder on the cupboard shelf, none has needed batteries to be replaced. I came across one clock with a flat 9 volt battery, also earlier in the year.  This clock needed a 4aa Battery adapter and batteries which Stuart deducted from my Friday evening fees. The cost of the new batteries for the other clocks was also deducted from my Friday evening fees.


Towards the end of the Handicap Lightning Tournament, Marty had worked out a way to set the digital clocks (which has players' time limits needing to be adjusted). You could set the digital clocks' time limits at 5 minutes and then let the time run down. Then press start/stop. I think this would be a good idea if there is going to be another Handicap Lightning Tournament.


The Chess Boards and Chess Sets have been counted, missing pieces added to the sets. The analogue clocks have been counted and checked. Two of the ten remaining BHB clocks are not working, they have been labelled. Five BHB clocks were sold to Ray Adams on 6 February 2004. The German clocks are all in good condition. The Magnetic Board and Pieces Set still has 5 broken white pawns. Some other magnetic pieces are not so good, but usable. The broken urn did not get listed.


I have submitted this years equipment list and have a copy in my folder for anyone wishing to see the list. Thankyou to Stuart Wilson for helping count this year’s equipment.


John Curran

Equipment Officer

The Gap Chess Club Inc.