Report – 21 June 2002


One Hour Tournament 2002



John Curran 0 Peter Hiller 1

Harvey Quaresmini 0 Gabriel Boross 1

James Hiller 0 Andrew Robinson 1

Doug Foster 0 Brian Willcock 1

Stuart Wilson 0 George Flitcroft-Smith 1

Michael Hussey bye


On the longest night of the year (winter solstice) - was this why black won all 5 games? - the field separated in the One Hour into two groups – those undefeated and those winless (Peter Hiller the only exception). However some of the games were closer than this disparity in the field would indicate. The foremost example of this was the Wilson v Flitcroft-Smith game. Stuart was a piece and a pawn up with George in all sorts of trouble and marginally behind on the clock in the last 5 minutes. Then, Stuart was unable to increase the tempo of his moves to the necessary pace, and this was compounded by his forgetfulness in hitting the clock after his move! Gabby couldn’t bear watching it towards the end (thinking Stuart would do the other front-runners a favour). However seasoned observers at the club have seen this all happen before (worst example: Wilson v Evans – One Hour 1996, Stuart let his clock fall when 2 pieces up!). At least George seemed relieved to have escaped from the gates of death…


Other games followed form. Andrew beat James who played well, attempting his newly found Torre Attack, until blundering a piece at move 14. Peter’s experience proved too much for John Curran, while Brian showed why he is a much better player over an hour than over the longer Flood Cup time controls. This scribe knew their was something awry with Doug’s games when he was overheard exclaiming “I’m not safe to be let out…”.


Selected games from the One Hour tournament will be published each week.



John Curran (unrated) – Peter Hiller (1038)

1 d4 d5, 2 e3 e6, 3 Nc3 Bb4, 4 Bd2 Bxc3, 5 Bxc3 Ne7, 6 Bd3 0-0, 7 Nf3 f5, 8 Ne5 Nd7, 9 Nxd7 Bxd7, 10 0-0 b6, 11 Bb4 a5, 12 Bxe7 Qxe7, 13 a4 e5, 14 dxe5 Qxe5, 15 b3 c5, 16 f4 Qxe3+, 17 Kh1 Qe7, 18 Re1 Qf6, 19 Re5 d4, 20 Bc4+ Kh8, 21 Qe2 Rae8, 22 g3? Bc6+, 23 Kg1 Be4, 24 Rxe8 Rxe8, 25 Re1 h6, 26 Bd5 Re7, 27 Bc4 g5, 28 fxg5 Qxg5, 29 Bd5 h5, 30 Bc4 h4, 31 Bd5 hxg3, 32 Bxe4 Rxe4, 33 Bd5 hxg3, 34 Bxe4 Rxe4, 35 hxg3 Rxe2, 36 Rxe2 Qxg3+, 37 Rg2 Qe3+, 38 Rf2 f4, 39 Kf1 d3, 40 cxd3 Qxd3, 41 Ke1 f3, 42 Rd2 Qc3, 43 Kd1 Qxb3+, 44 Ke1 c4, 45 Kf2 Qc3, 46 Rd3 Qb2, 47 Kxf3 c2, 48 Rd2 Qb1, 49 Ke3 c1=Q, 50 Ke2 Qe4+, 51 Kf2 Qe1# 0-1


Harvey Quaresmini (1427) – Gabriel Boross (1320)

1 e4 e5, 2 Nf3 Nc6, 3 Bc4 Bc5, 4 0-0 Nf6, 5 d3 0-0, 6 Nc3 a6, 7 Bg5 Be7, 8 a3 b5, 9 Ba7 h6, 10 Bh4 d6, 11 Bg3 Nh5, 12 Nxe5? Nxe5, 13 Qxh5?? Bg4, 14 Qxe5 dxe5, 15 Bxe5 Bd6, 16 f4 Bxe5, 17 fxe5 Be6, 18 b5 Bxa2, 19 Rxa2 Qd4+, 20 Kh1 Qxc3 white resigns 0-1


James Hiller (unrated) – Andrew Robinson (1579)

1 d4 d5, 2 Nf3 Nf6, 3 Bf4 e6, 4 e3 c5, 5 Bb5+ Bd7, 6 Nc3 Nc6, 7 Bxc6 Bxc6, 8 0-0 Bd6, 9 Bg5 h6, 10 Bh4 0-0, 11 Re1 Be7, 12 Ne5 Nd7, 13 Nxc6 bxc6, 14 e4?? Bxh4, 15 Qf3? Qf6, 16 Qe2 cxd4, 17 Na4 Qd8, 18 Rad1 e5, 19 exd5 cxd5, 20 c3 Qa5, 21 Qc2 Rac8, 22 Qb3 Rc4, 23 Qb7 Rc7, 24 b4? Rxb7, 25 bxa5 dxc3, 26 Nxc3 d4, 27 Nd5 Rb5, 28 Ne7+ Bxe7, 29 a6 Ra5, 30 Rc1 Rxa6, 31 Rc7 Rd8, 32 Ra1 Bf6, 33 a4 Nb6, 34 a5 Nd5, 35 Rc5 Nc3, 36 f3 Rd5, 37 Rc8+ Kh7, 38 Rc7 Kg6, 39 g4 Rdxa5, 40 Rxa5 Rxa5, 41 h4 Bxh4, 42 Rc6+ f6, 43 Kg2 Nd5, 44 Kh3 Kg5 white resigns 0-1


Doug Foster (1222) – Brian Willcock (1317)

1 Nf3 Nc6, 2 d4 d5, 3 g3 Bg4, 4 Bg2 Nf6, 5 Nbd2 Qd7, 6 h3 Bf5, 7 a3 Ne4, 8 c4 Qd6, 9 0-0 h6, 10 Nxe4 Bxe4, 11 Bf4 Qd7, 12 Ne5 Nxe5, 13 Bxe4 Nxc4, 14 Qb3 0-0-0, 15 Bg2 g5, 16 Be5? f6, 17 Bxc7 Kxc7, 18 Rc1 Kb8, 19 Rc3? Nd2, 20 Qc2 Nxf1, 21 Kxf1 e6, 22 b4 Bd6, 23 e3 Rc8, 24 Kg1 Rxc3, 25 Qxc3 Rc8, 26 Qd3 f5, 27 Bf3 Qc7, 28 g4 Rf8, 29 gxf5 Rxf5, 30 Bg4 Rf6, 31 e4 dxe4, 32 Qxe4 Qc1+, 33 Kg2 Qf4, 34 Qxf4 Rxf4, 35 f3 Rxd4, 36 Bxe6 Rd3 white resigns 0-1


Stuart Wilson (1119) – George Flitcroft-Smith (1568)

1 d4 f5, 2 e3 Nf6, 3 f4 e6, 4 Bd3 c5, 5 c3 d5, 6 Nf3 c4, 7 Bc2 Be7, 8 0-0 Nc6, 9 Bd2 b5, 10 a3 Bb7, 11 Be1 a5, 12 Nbd2 b4, 13 Ng5 Qc8, 14 Ndf3 b3, 15 Bb1 h6, 16 Nh3 Ng4, 17 Bd2 Kd7, 18 Ne5+ Ncxe5, 19 fxe5 g5, 20 Rxf5! Nxh2, 21 Kxh2 Qe8, 22 Rf1 h5, 23 g3 h4, 24 g4 Qg8, 25 Qf3 Rf8, 26 Qg2 Qg7, 27 e4 Rxf1, 28 Qxf1 Rf8, 29 Qg2 Bd8, 30 exd5 Bxd5, 31 Be4 Qf7, 32 Bxd5 exd5, 33 Re1 Kc6, 34 Re2 Qe6, 35 Bxg5 Rg8, 36 Nf4 Qd7, (now into the last 5 minutes) 37 e6 Qd6, 38 Re5 Bxg5, 39 Qxd5 Qxd5, 40 Nxd5 Kd6, 41 e7 Bxe7, 42 Nxe7 Rxg4 time 0-1  (Final position was: White Kh2 Re5 Ne7 a3 b2 c3 d4; Black Kd6 Rg4 a5 b3 c4 h4. White should win after 43 Re2 holds the fort together)



One Hour Tournament: Standings at 21 June 2002

All players to play 10 games






Andrew Robinson




George Flitcroft-Smith




Gabriel Boross




Brian Willcock




Michael Hussey




Peter Hiller




Harvey Quaresmini




Doug Foster




Stuart Wilson




John Curran




James Hiller




One Hour tournament 2002 results in detail




Doug & Brian kept the standard chess going (if that is an appropriate term for their games) while George & James took on Andrew & Peter.  George & James managed to win the third game from the 4 played, but otherwise the upsets were contained to the World Cup.  Every subject was covered from obscure Surrey batsmen (I think it must have been James who brought this subject up?), to Abba, to the 90 minute betting rule for the World Cup, to the various attraction of the female tennis circuit, to…..



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