Date: 3 December 2004

Place: Room D2, The Gap State High School


The meeting commenced at 8:00pm.



Andrew Robinson, Stuart Wilson, Brian Willcock, George Flitcroft-Smith, John Curran, Peter Hiller, James Hiller, Harvey Quaresmini, Ray Adams, Marty Chadwick, Debbie Jenkins, Mark Taylor, Pat Byrom, Gabriel Boross.



Tony Howes


Previous Minutes

Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were read and accepted.

Proposed: Ray Adams. Seconded: Stuart Wilson.



It was agreed that all present at the meeting except Pat Byrom and Gabriel Boross were current financial members of the club and therefore eligible to vote on matters at this AGM.




President’s Report

Andrew Robinson, gave verbal summary and presented the attached President’s report.

Proposed: Brian Willcock. Seconded: Harvey Quaresmini. Accepted.


Secretary’s Report

Debbie Jenkins, gave verbal summary and presented the attached Secretary’s report.

Proposed: Andrew Robinson. Seconded: Harvey Quaresmini. Accepted.


Treasurer’s Report

Stuart Wilson, gave verbal summary and presented the attached Treasurer’s report.

Proposed: Harvey Quaresmini. Seconded: John Curran. Accepted.


DOP’s Report

Andrew Robinson, gave verbal summary and presented the attached DOP’s Report.

Proposed: James Hiller. Seconded: Ray Adams. Accepted.


Equipment Report

John Curran, gave verbal summary and presented the attached Equipment Officer’s report.

Proposed: Debbie Jenkins. Seconded: Harvey Quaresmini. Accepted.


Junior Club Report

Pat Byrom gave verbal summary and presented the attached Junior Club report.

Proposed: Andrew Robinson. Seconded: Harvey Quaresmini. Accepted.


Publicity Officer

Marty Chadwick, gave verbal summary and presented the attached Publicity Officer’s Report.

Proposed: Andrew Robinson. Seconded: James Hiller. Accepted.




All positions were declared vacant and the following office bearers were elected.


President: Andrew Robinson

(nominated George Flitcroft-Smith, seconded Ray Adams)


Vice President: Stuart Wilson

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded Ray Adams)


Secretary: Debbie Jenkins

 (nominated Ray Adams, seconded Harvey Quaresmini)


Treasurer: Stuart Wilson

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded John Curran)


D.O.P: Andrew Robinson

(nominated Debbie Jenkins, seconded Ray Adams)


Public Relations Officer: Marty Chadwick

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded James Hiller)


Catering Officer: Stuart Wilson

(nominated Debbie Jenkins, seconded Ray Adams)


Equipment Officer: John Curran

(nominated Ray Adams, seconded Marty Chadwick)


C.A.Q. Delegate: Ray Adams

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded Harvey Quaresmini)


C.A.Q. Delegate: Brian Willcock

(nominated Andrew Robinson, seconded Ray Adams)


Committee Member: James Hiller

(nominated Stuart Wilson, seconded Ray Adams)


Committee Member: Peter Hiller

(nominated Ray Adams, seconded Harvey Quaresmini.)





Honorary Auditor

Beth Abbott has indicated her acceptance to continue in the role of Honorary Auditor. She was nominated from the floor and her nomination accepted and it was carried unanimously.


Tournament Rule Change Suggestions


The following motions to adjust the Tournament Rules were proposed at the meeting.


Motion 1 – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by Andrew Robinson)


The removal of increments in The Gap CC tournament time controls.

(Voting: 2 yes 4 no)

Motion defeated.


Motion 2 – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by Andrew Robinson)


Increments to come into effect closer to end of time control, rather than from move 1.

(Voting: 1 yes 3 no)

Motion defeated.


Motion 3 – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by Andrew Robinson)


Increments arranged according to Bronstein system.

(Voting: 1 yes 7 no)

Motion defeated.


Motion 4 – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by Andrew Robinson)


In the event of passing of one of above motions, a committee be formed to take care of necessary alterations.

(Not voted on as this motion was now not applicable)


Motion 5 – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by Andrew Robinson)


St David’s Day tournament continue its experiments and not be bound by any of the above motions.

(Not voted on as this motion was now not applicable)


Motion 6 – Proposed by Andrew Robinson (Seconded by Stuart Wilson)


Rule change for the Maiden Trophy.


From: (Rule 2) No member shall be eligible to enter this tournament if he/she has already won a tournament of The Gap Chess Club. (Rule 3) No member shall be eligible to enter this tournament if prior to joining the club he/she had an ACF/ELO rating in excess of 1400.


To: Revoke rules 2 & 3 and replace with:

(Rule 2) No member shall be eligible to enter this tournament if he/she has already won (or come equal first in) any of the following tournaments:


Proposed amendment to motion 6: Proposed by Debbie Jenkins (Seconded by Marty Chadwick)

Debbie Jenkins spoke on behalf of the amendment and expressed concern over the number of new players entering the club with high rankings who would be eligible to win the Maiden Trophy. She said that the nature of the Maiden is that it should be for those players who are unlikely to win a trophy in tournament play.


Wording of proposed amendment:

(Rule 2) No member shall be eligible to enter this tournament if he/she has an ACF/ELO rating in excess of 1500 at commencement of this tournament.

(Rule 3) No member shall be eligible to enter this tournament if he/she has already won (or come equal first in) any of the following tournaments:


(Vote to amend Motion 6: 5 yes 3 no)

(Vote to accept Motion 6: unanimous)

Amendment accepted and proposal carried.


Motion 7 – Proposed by Andrew Robinson (Seconded by Brian Willcock)


Rule change for Lightning tournament:


From: Rule 1 – The format of this tournament shall be round-robin. If there are 14 entries or less, each round shall consist of FOUR games against each opponent. If there are more than 14 entries each round shall consist of TWO games against each opponent, and/or qualifying stages may be used.


To: Rule 1 – The format of this tournament shall be round-robin. Each round shall consist of the following number of games against each opponent:

(i) 8 entries or less: FOUR games

(ii) 9 - 16 entries: TWO or FOUR games (at the discretion of the DOP)

(iii) 17 entries or more: TWO games.


(Vote to amend Lightning tournament – Unanimous)

Motion accepted.


Motion 8 – Proposed by Andrew Robinson (Seconded by Tony Howes)


Rule change for the One Hour.


From: Time limit: 60 minutes per player to complete all moves.


To: Rate of Play: 60 minutes, plus 10 extra seconds per move (from move one).


(Voting: 8 yes 2 no)

Motion accepted.





Club Starting Time – Proposed by Andrew Robinson (Seconded by Ray Adams)


From: 8:00pm start – tournament commencement 8:30pm

To: 7:30pm start – tournament commencement 8:00pm


Brian Willcock spoke against the motion by expressing his concerns over proposed earlier start time. He stated that he has family commitments that often prevented him from attending the club earlier. Ray Adams suggested that some leniency be afforded to other players who are genuinely running a little late. Andrew Robinson reminded all players that earlier or later start times can always be negotiated with the opposing player for tournament games. He said that it is also possible to make an announcement prior to a tournament (via the DOP) to all participants that you request to start your games at a certain time.


(Voting to change club and tournament start time: 7 yes 0 no)

Motion accepted.


Scoresheets – Proposed by Brian Willcock (Seconded by George Flitcroft-Smith)


“If a player objects to his/her scoresheet being published on The Gap web site, that scoresheet will not be published.”


(Voting: 6 yes 2 no)

Motion accepted.


Club Fees – Proposed by Stuart Wilson (Seconded by George Flitcroft-Smith)


“That the club consider lowering member’s fees or night fees.”


Stuart Wilson stated that the club had achieved a profit in excess of spending this year. He proposed that the club consider lowering fees for its members.


Ray Adams spoke against the motion and proposed leaving club fees as is. Harvey Quaresmini pointed out that it is easy to lower fees, but difficult to raise them at some later date.


(Voting: Unanimous against)

Motion denied.


The meeting closed at 9:10pm.


Next A.G.M: One Friday evening in December 2005. Date to be fixed.